Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

This picture has nothing to do with this's just a cute shot of the boys in front of the tree they picked out this year.. Megan Johnson has inspired me to create a blog of my homelife and classroom. It is such a great way to keep everyone connected. I am new to blogging, so bear with me while I get my space up and a classroom blog up and running over the next few days.
Can you believe how quickly 2009 went by? I guess it is time to think about the New Year's Resolutions. I love the feeling of a new year. Just like a fresh, clean slate to start over and do things better! I made an obvious list such as get into better shape, pay off Christmas (haha), and spend more QUALITY time with the family. I also decided to start the "Love Dare" book today. I have had this book for some time, but have never committed to working through it. It just lays on the coffee table and stares at me each day, and for good reason. I couldn't make it through the first day. Day one is to not speak anything negative to your spouse all day. Not about your spouse, but not to say anything negative at all. I felt as if I would need duct tape to complete this task. Yes, I have made it so far today. (although I do have several comments saved up for tomorrow- just kidding) I have had to make a conscious effort to bite my tongue more than once today. I wonder why we tend to be so negative when we have so much to be thankful for. I think it stems from being unthankful and maybe comparing ourselves to others. When I am negative, it is usually because I am focusing on what I don't have rather than appreciating all of the blessings God has given me. I am so thankful for my husband. I married far better than I deserve. I have 3 amazing boys. I have everything I need, so what gives me the right to be negative? I couldn't come up with a good reason either. I will be working on this for sure during the New Year! Maybe that should get added to my list of resolutions. I hope each of you has a very blessed New Year. I'm off to cook my black-eye peas.
"Therefore if any man is in Christ, he is a new creation. Old things have passed away; behold all things have become new."

1 comment:

  1. Hope you enjoy keeping up with this as much as I do! One thing I do each year in January is I publish that previous year's posts into a book. Then it serves as a journal for me. I also do that with my school one and parents can order one. I'll be glad to show mine. Enjoy!!
